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European Language Data Space


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FAQ (14)

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The LDS has been thought to be a platform and a marketplace for language resources and services. Stakeholders will have easy access to data, but also have the possibility to monetise their own, to exchange best practices and insights and to find new partners or collaboration opportunities.

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The European Language Data Space is the digital European marketplace for and around text, video and audio data in different languages.

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The availability of high-quality data is crucial for the development of state-of-the-art language technologies. Sharing and re-using data in a legally compliant framework can contribute to the creation of a single data market, which will ensure Europe's global competitiveness and data sovereignty.

The LDS connector is a piece of software operated by or on behalf of LDS participants. It establishes connectivity among all participants and facilitates automated operations surrounding data exchange.

The Centre of Excellence for Language Technologies is one of the Governance bodies to be established during the LDS project.

In the LDS project, the word ‘Governance’ can refer to the Governance Bodies or indicate the Governance Scheme of the Languagage Data Space, i.e., the set of rules defining access and (re-)use of language data and models.

A Data Space is a framework that supports data sharing within a data ecosystem. It provides a clear structure for participants to share, trade, and collaborate on data assets in a way that is compliant with relevant laws and regulations and ensures fair treatment for all involved.

European Digital Infrastructure Consortia (EDICs) aim at facilitating coordination of funding and at enabling speedy establishment and flexible implementation of multi-country projects to create incentives for Member States, while ensuring common standards and interoperability.