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European Language Data Space
  • Formations et ateliers

Atelier national LDS en Irlande

European Language Data Space et Adapt Centre (DCU) réuniront des experts de l'industrie et de la recherche ainsi que de l'administration publique en Irlande pour discuter de l'importance des données linguistiques pour le développement des technologies linguistiques et des outils basés sur l'IA en Irlande.

  • marché unique numérique | grand modèle de langage | traitement automatique des langues | apprentissage automatique
  • jeudi 10 octobre 2024, 09 h 00 - 15 h 30 (IST)
  • Dublin, Irlande


  1. 10 oct 2024, 09 h 00 - 09 h 10 (IST)

    Camden Court Hotel, Dublin

  2. 09 h 10 - 09 h 15 (IST)

    Jane Dunne, ADAPT Centre, DCU


  3. 09 h 15 - 09 h 25 (IST)

    Dr. Brian Davis, ADAPT Centre, DCU

    Presentation | Cur i láthair

  4. 09 h 25 - 09 h 40 (IST)
    Ireland in the Digital Age

    Tony Shannon, OGCIO, Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform


  5. 09 h 40 - 10 h 00 (IST)
    The Digital Europe Programme and the Common European Language Data Space

    Philippe Gelin and Mateusz Szoturma, European Commission


  6. 10 h 00 - 10 h 30 (IST)
    European Language Data Space: developing a market for language data and services and benefitting from a joint European effort

    Stelios Piperidis, ILSP,  LDS Consortium


  7. 10 h 30 - 10 h 45 (IST)
    Language Data: The Human Story

    Alexandros Poulis, Senior Director, AI - Transperfect


  8. 10 h 45 - 11 h 00 (IST)
    Coffee Break
  9. 11 h 00 - 11 h 45 (IST)
    Session 1: Language Technology and AI in the Private Sector

    11:00 – 11:15
    Using Language Data & AI to drive transformation
    John Tallon, Practice Director, Storm Technology


    11:15 – 11:30
    When Good Data Doesn’t Grow on Trees: Challenges for Acquiring High Quality Language Data
    Dr. Carla Parra Escartín, Research Manager, RWS Language Weaver


    11:30 – 11.45
    The Future of Language Technology
    Stephen Mackarel, Managing Director, Workair


  10. 11 h 45 - 12 h 15 (IST)
    Session 2: Language Data and Language Technologies in Ireland and for Irish (public sector)

    11:45 – 12:00
    The use of Irish in Public Administration
    Dr. Eoin Ó Droighneáin, Príomhoifigeach, Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media


    12:00 – 12:15
    Using Language Data to Provide New Services
    Máire Aoibhinn Ní Ógáin, Ceannasaí Cartlainne, TG4

    Presentation | Cur i láthair

  11. 12 h 15 - 12 h 45 (IST)
    Panel Discussion: The role NLP is playing in our digital society

    Dr. Abigail Walsh, ADAPT Centre, DCU (moderator)

  12. 12 h 45 - 14 h 00 (IST)
    Lunch break
  13. 14 h 00 - 14 h 50 (IST)
    Session 3: Language data production, management, and market development: overcoming obstacles

    Ongoing Data Collection Initiatives in Ireland

    eSTÓR | Gaois | Foras na Gaeilge | Vicipéid | Open Data Unit

  14. 14 h 50 - 15 h 20 (IST)
    Panel Discussion: The Ups and Downs of the Language Data Lifecycle

    Dr. Ellen Rushe, DCU (moderator)

  15. 15 h 20 - 15 h 30 (IST)
    Summary and conclusions

    Dr. Brian Davis, ADAPT Centre, DCU


Informations pratiques

jeudi 10 octobre 2024, 09 h 00 - 15 h 30 (IST)
Camden Court
Dublin, Irlande
Public cible
L'atelier est ouvert à tous et s'adresse principalement aux propriétaires et fournisseurs de données, aux créateurs de technologies linguistiques et aux PME, ainsi qu'aux cadres, agents et partenaires de l'administration publique.
European Language Data Space | Adapt Centre (Dublin City University)
Fait partie de
Site web
Event website
